In 1974 at the age of 21, I was living in Miami, Florida as a hang-around with an outlaw club. On Christmas day at 3:00 in the afternoon, with dope hanging on my Christmas tree for decoration, I heard the devil say, “ I’ve got you ”. Fear gripped my heart as the reality of these words echoed in my mind.
Next thing I found myself in the back yard, tearing my clothes off, trying to find deliverance from the demon of escape that was tormenting me. After what seemed like hours on my knees tearing up fistfuls of sod, with neighbors laughing at me over the fence, I found the strength to cry out, “Help me! Save me!” Heaven exploded and I saw a huge flash of light. A great calm stilled the storm raging inside of me and a peace that passes all understanding flooded my being. I was instantly delivered of the demon of escape and all the vices that had entrapped me.
I moved back to Mobile, Alabama and got involved in a discipleship program. In 1977, I moved to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to do mission work throughout the country where I stumbled upon a cache of panheads and shovelheads donated to the Papa Doc regime by the U.S. government. When they broke down, no one knew how to fix them. This was the reward of the Lord for my willingness to give them up early in my walk with Him.
While home on furlough a few years later, I met Mac Gober. He introduced me to Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries and Ben Priest, the Founder / Int'l. President. In 1987, God led me back to the states to work as an evangelist and patchholder with Tribe of Judah. We have absolutely had a blast in the wind, and swinging the sword of the Lord with all my brothers.