
Partner Letter


Dear Partners & Friends,

Last November, we celebrated 35 years of marriage and in April of this year, we will celebrate the official 35th Anniversary of Tribe of Judah.  As we look back over the years, we are immensely grateful for all of you the Lord has joined to this ministry and to our lives.  Tribe of Judah did not begin as a “cool idea” in the mind of a man, but was in the heart of God to reach people He loves. What began and continues to be a powerful avenue to reach the lost, continues to grow, flourish, and transform lives all over the world!

We know that it takes people working together to bring to pass God’s plans and purposes for people’s lives and this end-time harvest ministry. You are just as much “History Makers and World Changers” as those ministers in Tribe of Judah who are out in the mission field God has called us to; bringing light where there is darkness, love where there is hate, healing where there is sickness and brokenness, hope where there is despair, provision where there is lack, peace where there is fear and strife, a new life for the old, and eternal life for eternal death.

Although you may not be able to join us out in the ministry field, you ARE a very important part of this end-time harvest ministry. We take your covenant partnership very seriously. Although, some of David’s men stayed back to watch over things, rather than forging forward against the Amalekites, David decreed that they would receive the same reward as those who fought on the front lines (1Sam. 30:23-25). As our partner, you receive the very same reward of every changed life! When the Shunammite woman helped support the ministry of the prophet Elisha, the bible tells us the anointing in Elisha’s life was made available to her to meet the natural need she had in her life for a child (2Kings 4:14-16). Even Jesus taught us about the prophet’s reward in the New Testament for those that connect with the prophet (Matt.10:41-42).

We pray daily for you, our partners, believing God for each one; and release our faith and the anointing of the gifting in our lives and ministry. We believe for YOUR destiny to be fulfilled and breakthroughs to come to YOUR life.

Know you are loved,

Ben & Tammy